Does What We Teach Work?

Here's a few stories of our clients ...

10x Return and tripled annual revenue to £152k in 6 months

Business: Financial Coach

Location: London, UK


Revenue below to £10k/month

"Confused and frustrated about how to source clients and struggling with ins and outs of my business."

“When I met Ben, I was struggling with understanding the ins and outs of my business: Understanding where I was sourcing clients from, how to source them and other different things internally. Honestly, I was frustrated and confused about the next steps I needed to take to solve these problems.

I spoke to a few lead generation agencies but they were just trying to sell me

vs Ben actually wanting to understand my situation. So I thought I would take the leap of faith with him. What's been most beneficial was having a direction rather than me wasting hours, days and weeks and loads of money, trying different methods, that don’t even get me to where I want to go. Whereas working with Ben I get straight to the point, don’t doubt my decisions and I'm getting results directly.

As we got started some of the key things that we did was creating a structured plan of how I'm going to generate leads, attracting people in a more professional way with systems and automations and of course tracking everything so I know where to improve. With Ben’s help I’ve gone from a cohort of 8 students to a cohort of 18 and I’ve created another service to help current students even more, whilst also creating recurring revenue for myself. This has meant I’ve doubled my revenue to £69k in just 3 months, which could easily go to £80k after a few more sales calls.

So financially I’ve already had a 5x return but I’ve also systemised my business, there’s a lot more automation, a lot more clarity and peace of mind as a result. I now have a structure to lead generation, I’m not scattered everywhere and as a result I’m a lot more productive and a lot more effective with my actions. There’s no price tag I could put on this because honestly, it’s been priceless, I would say a 10X return bare minimum.

I also referred one of my friends to Ben’s coaching and he literally can’t stop talking about how amazing it is. It just goes to show that it's not only just me, who has benefited but also anybody else I refer to him. Thank you again Ben for all of your guidance. It's been really helpful, and it's also been inspiring for me to see how I can improve the quality of my service to make people feel the same way. Looking forward to the next 3 months!”


Revenue below to £10k/month

"Confused and frustrated about how to source clients and struggling with ins and outs of my business."

0 to 90 Days

2X revenue to £20k/month

"easily a 10X ROI"

90 to 180 Days

£30k/month made an extra £152k in just 6 months.

"absolutely priceless, I have the confidence to take the reigns from here"

2X my revenue in 5 months & hired an employee
to handle new clients

"Before working with Ben, I didn’t have a clear idea or vision of what I wanted my business to look like. I gained clarity on my next steps literally within our first call.

He’s been really accommodating to my hectic schedule and working at a pace that I can really grow in my business. What I loved most was the resources in the portal were videos catered specifically for me vs generic videos. There’s a solid list of templates, the new apps were super helpful, he and his team really got it down!

He helped me hire my first employee to keep up with the demand of my marketing services, which was a huge step for us and ultimately expand my business so I could take on more clients at a time.

Thanks to Ben we now have a 50-60% close rate and doubled our revenue in the past 5 months of working together.

He’s also helped me expand my knowledge and resources of useful platforms so that I could increase efficiency within my business. I would definitely say I have 2x my productivity and now have a clear vision for what I want the future of my business to look like.

I love that through us working together I have shifted from working in the business to working on the business.

If you’re looking for a business coach I highly recommend working with Ben Ivey and Entrepreneur Lifestyle, very grateful for what you’ve helped me achieve so far!”

£10k/m to £50k/m in 81 days

"Ben helped give us an uplift from £10k/month to £50k/month in 3 months. Working with him was near optimal, we went from one of our worst months to one of our best.

He gave us a 10X even a 20X ROI since working with him so far. We are now bringing in projects that are bigger than any over the past 6-7 years of trading.

It’s not just the revenue, we are building processes and foundational structures into the way that we work. That is an investment that will create exponential results as it snowballs in terms of productivity gains.

Ben taught us to over deliver for our clients and clearly that is something he is doing, as he’s trying to hit the upper point of my expectations whilst doing this, if not exceed them.

It’s been awesome working with him so far, couldn’t recommend him more"


You aren’t a statistic and every business owner is unique, however the numbers in this graph is. These are based on our average client data collected from 2020-2022. Clients included in this graph are those that completed our entire Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator and/or our VIP level program. Remember, business owner expenses, advertising, or promotional efforts will vary widely depending on goals and preference. Your own experience and results will vary greatly depending on your own choices, market conditions, work ethic, ability to follow instructions, take constructive criticism, and dedicate yourself to building something new and awesome. We don't promise or guarantee these explicit numbers. We think you're a bit more unique than a statistic.

Don’t Believe Us, Believe Our Clients

Christopher Stylianou

Rais Keyes Norman

£32k in my first 30 days with a brand new offer

“I was struggling with clarity around my offer, how to get qualified clients, and how to structure a program that makes sense to my ideal clients and delivers results. I knew Ben worked with a few of my friends and got incredible results but it took me a while to actually get started.

I thought it was going to be a normal program, but it’s been the best program I’ve done in terms of mentorship. Because from every avenue you receive support, from knowledge, to systems and accountability. Even the little things they do to show they actually care about you as opposed to just being part of a big academy of 100 people, it really surpassed my expectations.

The first month was amazing, especially because it was a completely new offer. Revenue wise I made £32k and it was over Christmas so I thought I would struggle to have people to join, it was really incredible. What really helped make this happen was pure clarity on my offer, and how to actually reach my target of £100k in 3 months. What I really enjoyed is that they broke it down so I could actually see exactly how to make it happen.

I can’t put a number on the ROI I’ve received because it has genuinely been priceless. Especially in terms of the way they conduct the program and the onboarding. I definitely applied that to my own business and copied it because I wanted it to be as good! From here the sky is the limit!

I found out about Ben but stalled for over 6 months before I decided to call him up and say let’s just do it. I didn’t want to invest and I didn’t take action but I wish I did it earlier, imagine if I started 6 months ago where I would be now! Take the action and you’ll see great results believe me! Thanks again for everything!”

"I was in risky waters" to 5X ROI in 3 months

"I was entering risky waters before I met Ben, where I was struggling with lead generation, time management and focus. With a baby on the way too I felt like I was spreading myself too thin in lots of different areas.

I run a Click Up Consulting business and never had a coach before. I had tight deadlines with what I needed to achieve so really needed this to work. One of my biggest insights has been how helpful it is to have a coach that keeps me accountable and focused in one direction because it's really easy to pick up other priorities without reflecting too heavily whether they are actually a priority or not.

Some of the changes we made on my profile, how it was created and positioned allowed me to double my leads. On top of that the conversations with leads have been much better and I feel like I’m converting more on my sales calls.

I’ve probably doubled my productivity through a combination of freeing up time in my calendar that I hadn't found myself, which allowed me more time to focus on the business. And at the same time having that roadmap and real focus has meant that I've done more valuable things with that time.

Short term in the past 3 months it’s been a 3X ROI. Though if I think back over the content that's been generated, the focus on lead conversations, and the new road map I’m thinking more like 5X ROI long term. Hiring somebody to bounce ideas backwards and forwards has been the best part.

I wouldn’t have achieved half of what I have, if I didn’t do coaching. I will continue to carry on coaching for much, much longer now, because I can see the value that it adds to my business. If you're thinking that you need it, but you're not sure you can afford it, which was my case then I would say just go for it! Thank you so much."

3X more productive and saved $1000/month in the first 60 days

"It was great working with him helping me to spend time ON the business and unblock certain issues holding me back. He’s really helped me become much more confident and less stressed now that I know where my business is going.

It was much better than what I expected, really enjoyed all the tools, sheets and templates he shared. Out of everything the Freedom Matrix resonated with me most and enjoyed creating my own Control Tower! In the pas 2 months I’d say I’m 3x more productive through working together.

Automating the sales process, feeling more in control of my business and even not doing some key tasks anymore that are delegated to my team.

The strategic changes I made with Ben have saved me $1000 / month and I now have a much better structure and routine with accountability so I don’t feel as lost!

I’d definitely recommend reaching out to Ben and working with him"

David Flynn Won back 25-30 hours/week with just 4 strategies

Yi Ching Sleeping 2-4hrs/night to

Becoming a Business Owner

"Losing money working 16hr days"
Made 6X more money with 1/3 of his team

"Before I met Ben I was losing money every month and was experiencing a really stressful time working 16-hour days, 7 days a week.

I reached out to Ben because I thought I needed help in marketing with my business. Little did I know that this wasn’t the major issue.

What was more important was overcoming perfectionism, stress and being too analytical in my business. I realised that always being overwhelmed with work isn’t a good thing.

Working with Ben has helped me overcome these challenges and many more, to greatly improve my relationships, my health and happiness. What's been amazing is that I made 6x more money with only 1/3 of my team!

With Ben’s help I have managed to 10x my business ! I now have the freedom to travel the world and do what I love!”

"I was winging it and had no structure,
now I'm 100x more efficient!"

"Before working with Ben's team, I was winging it, I didn’t have a structure and didn’t have enough leads. It's been a million times better than any other program that I’ve done.

Aside from being extremely well thought out and set up with everything that you need. The methods that you use for leads, systems you help set up, background documentation and support is way ahead of any other program I’ve worked on. I've received every bit of support that I needed and with regards to the lead gen it’s actually different to what other people are doing. And it works!

I’m 3 to 4 times more productive and that's due to the efficiency, automations and systems I now have in place. I can say that I am 100 times more efficient, because even if I'm, ill, which I was in the last few weeks. I know, all my automations and stuff are taken care of, and there's so many less things I need to worry about on a regular daily basis so efficiency wise its skyrocketed.

Working with Ben’s coach Tanya has been amazing. I don't understand how she's so amazing. But she just has this intuition where she knows exactly what I need to move forward and help me be more productive or efficient as I need to be in the coming weeks. She gives really useful practical tips and steps that work for the individual to actually make them succeed. So, if there's something in particular you're struggling with, she'll realise that and work with you in a certain way and give you exactly what you need to get to where you want to be.

I can’t rate this whole thing highly enough, just do it because it'll probably change your whole business way more than you think. Your impression of the program will only get better and better as you go, looking forward to the next 3 months!"

"Over 500 leads in 3 months"

"Initially I was struggling with external marketing, I've been on LinkedIn for many, many years. But never saw seen as a as a workhorse in terms of how to use LinkedIn as a platform to generate new leads.

I’ve spent 30 years working for bigger corporations you feel that you have a reputation to those organisations and to portray yourself in a different authentic way and learning what that could look like has been an interesting journey.

In the past 3 months I’ve probably generated over 500 new leads, all of which are relevant, and my target market. The key aspects that I’ve found most helpful have been the automations and feedback on being human which I think will pay even more dividends later on. And I would say I haven’t had to work that hard to get those contacts on board now that I’ve learnt Ben’s systems.

Really recommend working with the team if you want to understand how to use Linkedin to generate leads."

"The coaching is perfect and they’ll have everything covered for you to generate a huge amount of leads for your business"

My biggest challenge in business was that I wasn’t able to generate leads. I know, there's a lot of surveyors out there but I was just struggling to get any leads at all. I think I was finding one to two leads a month and I thought if I could get 10 a month that’ll be great!


The leads I’ve generated is way above what I expected, it’s a huge amount, I already have 18 people waiting in my inbox to reply to just from today. That’s just organic leads and there are a lot of potential leads I have now on Linkedin. On the paid ads side that worked very well generating leads at £29 a lead, and these were great leads as they showed they were interested in GPS by clicking through the ad.


The best thing has been the personal contact with Ben week to week, and it’s nice that he is there on group calls and not just one of the team. I have to say as well that all the videos and resources are very comprehensive for you to know how to make Linkedin work for you.


Honestly if you’ve got a good business model and good potential for sale. I would recommend working with Ben and the team because they cover every aspect of marketing and the business. You will learn a huge amount, the coaching is perfect and they’ll have everything covered for you to generate a huge amount of leads for your business.

"I struggle with ADHD and often feel overwhelmed" to
"All the systems are ready to go and I'm generating leads"

The main challenge I had before we met was generating leads and having enough corporate clients, because I was dealing with individual clients mainly. I also struggle with ADHD where I can feel very overwhelmed, so needed more close support to keep me on track which is why I was attracted to the program.

Working with the team has certainly over exceeded my expectations and the little touches of surprises I absolutely loved. I’ve really enjoyed the hand holding, the structure with instructions to follow, regular catch ups and the workbooks really helped. The road map was really useful so you know all the time where you’re at and all of these definitely helps with tackling that overwhelm which has been really good.

I found automation and a light bulb went off, I actually don't have to contact 30 people a day manually, I can actually get that to be automated and I thought that was amazing when done in an authentic way. I’ve had so many more leads than I would have ever done without the systems you have taught me.

I am 100% clear about what to do, I have a new product which is being scoped out, I have client testimonials ready to go, all the systems ready to go and I'm generating leads. Now the mechanisms are working nicely, so that’s a great result in my book!

Everybody has a different formula of success, and I don't think you impose yours in any way, which is fantastic for me. Everybody works at their own pace, but at the same time, we have our own goals, but there is not a formula that everybody has to follow in that sense. Working with a company doing 20 million or a small business they are completely different. And I think you understand that and the individual support tailored to my business has really helped.

I would say definitely do it, it's the best investment in business I’ve made so far, and I've tried a fair few business coaches and programs. Absolutely 100% recommend it!

Ragesh Vaghadia

"3 calls booked in the first 3 days"

​​In the beginning stages of trying to build a business, it’s tough without a sounding board. I had been on a couple of other coaching programs and they've been ok, I was shown a framework and told to follow it and you'll be fine but it never worked well. Most recently I paid for coaching with youtube ads but I was all over the place and my message wasn’t clear.


I decided to double down on Linkedin but was struggling with nailing down my ideal customer and aligning the messaging with the customer which is why I decided to work with Ben. What has been great is that there’s actually a lot of customization in the process and a genuine connection I didn’t get on any other coaching program


I already had tools in place but he showed me how to use them to generate more volume on Linkedin, and then aligning the messages with the target audience.

It moved really quickly, especially when the sequences are out and you’re engaging people pretty much on a daily basis. In the first 3 days, I landed 3 sales calls by following the 10 step process that Ben teaches, it really works.


Also working with Ben on the time compression was really helpful. I often feel overwhelmed with goal setting, especially going from managing a team of 60 to running my own business, it’s difficult to know how long something will take to complete. I remember 1 week I had to recreate a video page, build a playbook, create a new audience, sort out new messaging and review the LinkedIn page. I thought it would take me a few weeks but Ben pushed me get all that completed in 5 days. The accountability and the pressure helped me to get things done really quickly. 


I feel like I'm on a much better path. I have a lot more clarity in what I want to do. I have a system in place to follow and the tracking in place to make it work.  All of this should see me through now in terms of where I want to get with my business, highly recommend working with Ben and his team.

"I have developed 10X in the program, absolutely outstanding"

The thing about so many coaches that you see today, is they sell you a kind of approach to how things work. They don't have the understanding and capacity to work outside of a framework. That's not really a coach. That's just somebody that's helping you along the way. You need somebody that's got experience, been there, done that, and has a capacity to be flexible, to understand and adapt to you.

I can’t emphasise enough that I'm not blaming other coaches, because they can only do what they understand. The difference is they lack the understanding above what they do. And that's the difference, that's where working with Ben’s team has been so much better than the rest.

The difference with Ben is that he's got a whole framework, like a buffet, and all you do is choose the bits that you need. It really is immense. The fact that they’ve created all that is absolutely outstanding. And the fact that they’re making it work, absolutely full praise for them on that one! You don't have to take it all. It's just the bit that's right for you. That's the difference.

I reached out to Ben primarily because I couldn't get the messaging right, I didn't have a clear idea about my personal brand and how to present myself. The way I’ve developed has been 10 fold during the program. I have to say it was surprisingly easy working with my coach Tanya. I thought she was particularly good at understanding me, where I was at and extracting things from me. Even when she pushed me into a hard corner, she did so in the right manner. Not in having a go at me, but it was the case that this person is trying to help me out to bring out the best and the way she did it was exceptional. I’d give her a 15 out of 10! 

It was really in the latter months when I could take a step back, see where things were going and not be frozen at a high level. I have so much more clarity now rather than chasing after too many things, and I have the foundation financially to move forward. As I move into 2024, it's about being persistent in my approach to business and just not leaving it to chance. I now realise that I've got the skill sets, and now just need to show up and do more. I can’t thank the team enough and I'm looking forward to working with them again!

“It has been my best experience so far 10/10!

“2X more productivity coaching was definitely 10/10!

“4-5X more productivity IN THE FIRST 3 WEEKS!

“500% ROI in 3 months”


“An incredible boost on my business journey"

"I've freed up time and improved all my process"


- Fabiola, Founder of Global Friendship in Shanghai, China.

“Compared to coaching before, I’ve Doubled My Productivity & Grown My Team 60%!

I Love the Daily system!

Not only that the team is easily 75% more efficient now that we have the right systems in place to be able to boost business revenue. It’s easily been 6X more valuable than what I invested.

- Fabiola, Founder of Global Friendship in Shanghai, China.



"Infinite potential to achieve in both business and life"


"Doubled my productivity in 3 months"

"Most re-energising months of my life"

"Despite my initial cynicism,

I highly recommend working with Ben"


"Increased my monthly income over 80%"

"No longer dealing with scrolls of goals"

"Unlocked beliefs that kept me stuck for 10 years"


"Most Life changing process I've done"

"Overcame perfectionism to be the wealthiest I've been in decades"

Ragesh Vaghadia

"Extra $35,000 and Improved Profitability."

"Easily doubled my productivity in 3 months"


"it was epic! at times I was left speechless"

"I'd pay 10 years of my life to have what I'm feeling now."

It doesn't end here!

First ever message sent and a booked call

Couldn’t recommend them enough

3 clients in one week using new sales structure

First session felt like a rocket under me

Easily a 6X ROI

First session literally blew my mind

Doubled Revenue

Linkedin positioning is so good, that decision makers actually accept you.

Since starting the campaigns within 2 days I’ve had 4 calls booked

I'm seeing messages just landing in my inbox which is so cool!

In the first 3 weeks I've 4-5x more productive and I've been in business over 3 decades!

Won more work in a week than we did across an 8 month period last year

Entrepreneur Lifestyle

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